Sally and the Something
Ever since my young son and I checked it out from the Durham Public Library years ago, George O’Connor’s Sally and the Something has been on the top shelf of my children's book collection. With permission from the author, this article contains a video of me reading the book aloud, displaying the delightful illustrations within.

Edelweiss and Remembering for Both of Us (ReadAloud)
Years after the book's release, Charlotte continues her involvement in improving our understanding and communication about Alzheimer's Disease, which her husband suffered before his passing. Remembering for Both of Us is *the* book to give a child (or a parent or grandparent) who has a family member suffering from Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia. Every physician/counselor in the field should have a copy of this book in their waiting room.

The Ugly Pumpkin: A Fun and Funny Children's Picture Book for Halloween *and* Thanksgiving
I have been meaning to do a full review of this book all month, and now Halloween has come and gone! No worries, *The Ugly Pumpkin* (by David Horowitz) is an even better Thanksgiving book (and it lets the kids hold on to Halloween a little longer)…

Rana Hablar (en Espanol)
¡Feliz año nuevo! Pensé que publicaría aquí el primer borrador de mi libro para niños de lectores tempranos / desafiados. El libro demuestra la diversidad cotidiana y la cortesía entre múltiples especies de ranas que habitan en el mismo espacio de manera pacífica. Si las ranas pueden hacerlo, ¿podemos nosotros?

Frog Talk: A Free Online Book for Early or Challenged Readers
Thought I'd post the first draft of my early/challenged-reader children's book here. The book demonstrates the day-to-day diversity and politeness among multiple species of frogs inhabiting the same space peacefully. If frogs can do it, so can we!? The educational/curriculum components of the book are discussed herein.

Welcome to my blog ...
... where you'll find articles pertaining to education and written for parents, caretakers, & teachers (traditional & home-school) regarding practical hands-on books, curricula, events, & opportunities. Other articles concern parenting, marriage, writing, & life in general, as well as local (Durham/Raleigh/Chapel-Hill), regional (Southeastern United States), and national issues and concerns.