Ever since my young son and I checked it out from the Durham Public Library years ago, Sally and the Something has been on the top shelf of my children's book collection.

It's one of those books that personifies summer... and childhood. And it makes for an especially good read today, as summer is waning and the chill of winter is in the air.

So I got permission from the author and illustrator, George O'Connor (he actually responded to my email!), to post a read-a-loud of his book, which has become one of my absolute favorites.


If you or your friends have enjoyed this video, please consider purchasing a copy of the book for a young person in your life using this link (to a local, Durham business): https://www.regulatorbookshop.com/boo.... Books like this only exist because we support the authors and illustrators who create them. ✌🏽

For more of my Picture-book Readalouds, see https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa.... If you have a favorite children’s book you’d like me to consider for my permanent collection (thereby supporting the author) and ReadAloud, please comment below.

XO, Melissa (Rooney)

For more information about me and my books, see https://www.MelissaRooneyWriting.com.

Melissa Rooney

Melissa Bunin Rooney writes picture books, poetry and freelance; reviews picture books for New York Journal of Books and live performances for Triangle Theater Review; provides literary and scientific editing services for American Journal Experts, scientific researchers and students; and writes and manages grants for 501c3 nonprofit Urban Sustainability Solutions. She also provides STEM and literary workshops and residencies for schools and organizations through the Durham Arts Council’s Creative Arts in Public and Private Schools (CAPS) program.


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