Rana Hablar (en Espanol)

Rana Hablar (en Espanol)

¡Feliz año nuevo! Pensé que publicaría aquí el primer borrador de mi libro para niños de lectores tempranos / desafiados. El libro demuestra la diversidad cotidiana y la cortesía entre múltiples especies de ranas que habitan en el mismo espacio de manera pacífica. Si las ranas pueden hacerlo, ¿podemos nosotros?

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Frog Talk: A Free Online Book for Early or Challenged Readers

Frog Talk: A Free Online Book for Early or Challenged Readers

Thought I'd post the first draft of my early/challenged-reader children's book here. The book demonstrates the day-to-day diversity and politeness among multiple species of frogs inhabiting the same space peacefully. If frogs can do it, so can we!? The educational/curriculum components of the book are discussed herein.

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Looking for a GREAT documentary? Check out Wild Wild Country on Netflix

Looking for a GREAT documentary? Check out Wild Wild Country on Netflix

You HAVE to watch Wild Wild Country on Netflix. It's a multipart documentary regarding an Indian Buddhist leader named Baghwan Rajneesh, whose (largely American) followers planned and (literally) built an Ashram city (for upwards of 10,000 people) on 60,000 acres of ranch land they purchased in a tiny town in the middle of Oregon.

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City of Durham Avoids Municipal Stormwater Responsibilities while Inhibiting Affordable and Sustainable Private Solutions

City of Durham Avoids Municipal Stormwater Responsibilities while Inhibiting Affordable and Sustainable Private Solutions

I have written this article to demonstrate the City of Durham's irrational and uncooperative approach to drainage issues like the one I am dealing with at 613 Canal Street - note that this is a separate drainage issue from the flooding occurring at neighboring 611 Canal Street (the subject of my last Stormwater blog post).

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A Letter to my Teacher, a Children's Book Review

A Letter to my Teacher, a Children's Book Review

Deborah Hopkinson and Nancy Carpenter’s picture book, A Letter to my Teacher, puts the mission of teaching squarely where it’s meant to be by appreciating the special teachers that have graced all of our lives, whether or not we’ve had children of our own. This is a must-give for that special teacher in your life. I bought a copy while on book tour with the illustrator (Stacy Fabbre) of my own children’s book this summer…

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Inspiration at a Discount

Inspiration at a Discount

Last Sunday, my teenage daughter and her younger brother walked to the Dollar General at Broad and West Markham near my home in Durham, NC, to buy some candy. When they went to check out, she thought she had left her wallet at home. They returned and we scoured the house; then she walked back to the DG, but they could find no wallet and none had been turned in…

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WWIII: Whose Side Are We On?

WWIII: Whose Side Are We On?

Russian interference in favor of Donald Trump in the 2016 elections has been confirmed, apparently motivated by Russia’s desire to invalidate American sanctions and human-rights protections. Despite denials of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia, a few weeks ago the Trump White House made clear that it would not impose Congress-mandated sanctions against Russia…

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Society Supports Sexual Harassment: Admission is First Step to Recovery

Society Supports Sexual Harassment: Admission is First Step to Recovery

Of course I am appalled by any grown man hitting on a 14-year-old; but, hey, it happened to me repeatedly from the time I was twelve. I relinquished (I refuse to say 'lost') my virginity at 14. My best friend in middle school was sexually promiscuous, which everyone (including me) swept under the carpet or gossiped about. At least three of my high-school friends were severely hit on or actually had affairs with married men. Just 200 years ago…

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Hindsight Premonition: The Death of Kenny Batts
Inspiration, Relationships, Essays Melissa Rooney Inspiration, Relationships, Essays Melissa Rooney

Hindsight Premonition: The Death of Kenny Batts

It’s eerie, the hindsight premonition that often follows a death, even a very sudden one. When I heard our friend’s ex-father-in-law Warren’s voice message around 9:30 last Friday night, I immediately thought something was wrong with Kenny. Then I checked my cell phone and saw that Kenny had called just a little while earlier…

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With the lack of public school funding, the need for school districts to facilitate (not just permit) PTA's is long overdue.

With the lack of public school funding, the need for school districts to facilitate (not just permit) PTA's is long overdue.

“We will need help from families, partner agencies, and communities,” states Durham Public Schools Superintendent Bert L’Homme’s February 5th commentary regarding DPS’s challenges in meeting the educational needs of low-performing students (LHomme_DN_Feb2017). By ‘help’, DPS means ‘We need you to keep your children in our schools.” I get that. But parents don’t want their kids in schools that don’t sincerely welcome parent involvement…

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Protect and Improve Affordable Care Mental Health Coverage

Protect and Improve Affordable Care Mental Health Coverage

It pains me to think of all the mentally ill persons languishing on our streets or in our prisons. So many are uniquely brilliant in ways we are only beginning to understand. What's more, the NRA and supporting politicians argue that we don't need better gun control, we need better treatment of mental illness. So it is completely irrational and incomprehensible to me how someone could be against gun control as well as against the treatment of mental health issues made possible by the Affordable Care Act…

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