Teaching the World to Love Again
It's a lot harder to make a person happy than it is to make someone miserable…

Breakfast at Tiffany's and Audrey Hepburn Closet Quotes
“If you don't incorporate quotes into your family's daily life, you should. You'll be surprised with the effects these subtle reminders have on your kids, your spouse, and you.”

Have Patience
You are a rational human being. Do not let another person's defensiveness make you defensive…

3 Days Before Election, Adams Persists
With 3 days before the election, these quotes from Founding Father John Adams (one of my favorite persons ever to have roamed the planet) are more pertinent than ever…

Welcome to my blog ...
... where you'll find articles pertaining to education and written for parents, caretakers, & teachers (traditional & home-school) regarding practical hands-on books, curricula, events, & opportunities. Other articles concern parenting, marriage, writing, & life in general, as well as local (Durham/Raleigh/Chapel-Hill), regional (Southeastern United States), and national issues and concerns.