Why did you do that?
… I thought that women and doctors insisting on early births for nonmedical reasons lived only in cynical imaginations and television soap operas. Turns out that, in the last decade, the main stream has effectively reduced ‘full-term’ to 37 weeks…

For the Love of BETC
… Polluted runoff is a leading cause of impairment in at least 40% of North Carolina's waterways, including all of Jordan Lake and a significant part of Falls Lake. Forty percent of America's rivers and 46% of America's lakes are too polluted for fishing, swimming, or aquatic life…

Digging our Way Out
… Thanks to a heads-up from Ray Eurquhart, a long-time Durham Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) board member, in October I contacted the SWCD about the N.C. Community Conservation Assistance Program (CCAP), which funds up to 75% of qualifying stormwater management projects on public and private land…

Cuts We’d Like to See
…This month’s Interneighborhood Council (INC) listserv is buzzing with discussion of Durham’s city budget. North Carolina's state government faces a budget deficit of more than 20% of the total 2009-10 budget, so it is no surprise that the city of Durham is looking toward drastic cuts as well.…

Streamlining Must Not Prohibit Input From Residents
… If streamlining is needed, then it should be on the part of developers not citizens. Right now, when development meets citizen opposition to rezoning and comprehensive plan amendments, they may actually request deferrals, presumably in the hopes of wearing citizens down …

Neighborhood Advocate Needed
I agree whole-heartedly with the Durham People's Alliance's request of City Council to hire a neighborhood advocate…

Medlin Hired as Planning Director: A Breath of Fresh Air
… With regard to the announcement that Steve Medlin has been hired as Durham’s new planning director. All I can say is Whoooo-Hooooo! …

County OK another step in the wrong direction
…I was deeply discouraged by the Durham Board of County Commissioners' Feb. 25 approval of Epcon's comprehensive plan amendment for the West Side of Farrington Road, which permits a residential density increase from four single-family homes per acre (RS-20) to as many as eight units per acre (PDR 4.5) in an area where rural farmland now exists…

No to Barnes and Noble
… I am disturbed by the ambiguity surrounding Duke's plans for Central Campus and the possibility that a Barnes and Noble store may be moving in, with the assistance of President Broadhead and Duke University at large.…

Welcome to my blog ...
... where you'll find articles pertaining to education and written for parents, caretakers, & teachers (traditional & home-school) regarding practical hands-on books, curricula, events, & opportunities. Other articles concern parenting, marriage, writing, & life in general, as well as local (Durham/Raleigh/Chapel-Hill), regional (Southeastern United States), and national issues and concerns.