Bigger Buffers Better

Bigger Buffers Better

… It is well known that erosion, sedimentation and pollution from industrial and agricultural activities or sewage is reduced by “maintaining forests in riparian zones along watercourses” (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).…

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Homeowners Hung Out to Dry

Homeowners Hung Out to Dry

… The legalities surrounding stormwater issues are gray at best. Apparently, the state owns the water, the city owns the pipes and streams (though even that is debatable), and the property owners own the land. So who is accountable when stormwater redirected by private developers damages property downstream?…

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Starting Over with Clover

Starting Over with Clover

… My clover and abundant flowering plants aren’t just pretty; they hold the soil in place, naturally filter storm water before it flows into Jordan Lake, and absorb rain water that will otherwise flood or turn my yard to quicksand. Cisterns and rain-barrels enable even more water and nutrients to be recycled where I want them…

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The UNC Science Expo – Reuniting Our Left and Right Brains

The UNC Science Expo – Reuniting Our Left and Right Brains

…As I tell kids, we are all born scientists. Our experiential knowledge is a blank slate, and we delight in the experiments and rational conclusions we conduct in order to live in this world. But we tend to lose this delight as we age, which is sad on so many levels…

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What Exactly Do I Stand For

What Exactly Do I Stand For

In April, 2013, the Environmental Protection Agency calculated that fifty-five percent of monitored waterways in the United States are impaired by pollution, meaning they are too polluted for healthy recreation, public drinking water and subsistence fishing. Twenty-five percent of the nation’s beaches are under advisories or closed at least once per year due to water pollution.

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Why the White House Sinkhole Isn't Funny

Why the White House Sinkhole Isn't Funny

The sinkhole in the White House lawn is no joke. It is glaring evidence of a serious threat to American infrastructure and drinking water. As temperatures rise and the population continues to grow, urban, suburban and, heck, even rural stormwater runoff is becoming a serious problem throughout the entire country…

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Why You Should Have a Pond

Why You Should Have a Pond

Pond installation can be back- and time-consuming work, and a long-lasting one like mine can cost over $1000.00 (liner, pump, filter, rocks). But it doesn't have to be this way. You can purchase inexpensive, small-pond kits, or you can build a pond out of a plastic toddler swimming pool simply by…

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Struggling Schools Benefit from Adding Arts to Learning...!?

Struggling Schools Benefit from Adding Arts to Learning...!?

In most cases, the day they enter first grade (sometimes earlier), public school kids' creative and experiential education ends, and worksheets and standardized testing begins. Fortunately, this is NOT the case at EK Powe and DSA (both public), where my kids go to school (in Durham, NC). But I know full well that we are an anomaly in a sea of schools that house American children for the majority of their lives between 5 and 17 years of age…

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Advanced Reader's Copy: *Eddie the Electron Moves Out*

Advanced Reader's Copy: *Eddie the Electron Moves Out*

I received my ARC (Advanced Reader's Copy) of Eddie The Electron Moves Out (the sequel to Eddie the Electron) today! I got tears in my eyes when I read it - seriously. I can’t get over the incredible quality of every aspect of the book. Harry Pulver's illustrations are PERFECT…

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“Eddie Moves Out”, Picture-Book Sequel to “Eddie the Electron”

“Eddie Moves Out”, Picture-Book Sequel to “Eddie the Electron”

If you're looking for an educational stocking stuffer this Christmas, please consider buying the first in the Eddie series if you haven't already done so. Whether you do it via *Eddie the Electron* or another avenue, the earlier you introduce your kids to science, the better for their (and our) futures…

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Fun Science: Easy Hands-on Chemistry Lesson
Children, Education, Essays Melissa Rooney Children, Education, Essays Melissa Rooney

Fun Science: Easy Hands-on Chemistry Lesson

This is a picture of my 6YO son's “back-to-school Magic Crystals”, obtained after immersing dolostones in vinegar (with a little orange food coloring). I've never made mushroom crystals before, so we were both truly enthralled. Dolostones (which can be purchased from Educational Innovations) are dolomite rocks, which are primarily composed of calcium magnesium carbonate or CaMg(CO3)2…

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Durham's Bionomic Education and Training Center program and the Future of our Youth

Durham's Bionomic Education and Training Center program and the Future of our Youth

In April, 2013, the Environmental Protection Agency calculated that fifty-five percent of monitored waterways in the United States are impaired by pollution, meaning they are too polluted for healthy recreation, public drinking water and subsistence fishing. Twenty-five percent of the nation’s beaches are under advisories or closed at least once per year due to water pollution.

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For the Love of BETC

For the Love of BETC

… Polluted runoff is a leading cause of impairment in at least 40% of North Carolina's waterways, including all of Jordan Lake and a significant part of Falls Lake. Forty percent of America's rivers and 46% of America's lakes are too polluted for fishing, swimming, or aquatic life…

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Digging our Way Out

Digging our Way Out

… Thanks to a heads-up from Ray Eurquhart, a long-time Durham Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) board member, in October I contacted the SWCD about the N.C. Community Conservation Assistance Program (CCAP), which funds up to 75% of qualifying stormwater management projects on public and private land…

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Welcome to my blog ...

Welcome to my blog ...

... where you'll find articles pertaining to education and written for parents, caretakers, & teachers (traditional & home-school) regarding practical hands-on books, curricula, events, & opportunities. Other articles concern parenting, marriage, writing, & life in general, as well as local (Durham/Raleigh/Chapel-Hill), regional (Southeastern United States), and national issues and concerns.

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