The Importance of Repetition
If you want your kids to digest the information in a book, you have to read it more than once. And it’s always best if you read it *together*. Many teaching styles are based on engaging repetition, including those of well-known Shinichi Suzuki. My hope is that you will approach my children’s books in this way as well.

The UNC Science Expo – Reuniting Our Left and Right Brains
…As I tell kids, we are all born scientists. Our experiential knowledge is a blank slate, and we delight in the experiments and rational conclusions we conduct in order to live in this world. But we tend to lose this delight as we age, which is sad on so many levels…

Q&A with Amberjack Author Melissa Rooney, Creator of Eddie the Electron
My Ph.D. advisor urged me to come back to work for him, eventually making me an offer he thought I couldn’t refuse. When I finally admitted that I hated lab work and, by no means, wanted to return to academics, he asked me, insistently, how I was going to put my degree to use. I told him I’ve always wanted to write a children’s book, he gave me a deadline, and Eddie the Electron was born.

Teaching Density to Elementary Students: Lesson Plans for Building Lava Lamps Using Materials Found at Home
The craft-store franchise AC Moore went out of business just before the Covid Quarantine was imposed. One of the prizes among the windfall we brought home was a do-it-yourself lava lamp kit. My son followed the first of several recipes provided with the kit and, with the help of his teenage brother, created a lava lamp that garnered the admiration of everyone in the family that evening. What follows is how we constructed more lava lamps using stuff we already had in our kitchen…

Easy Scientific Explorations of Eggs in honor of Easter or Any Time
It's time for another eggs-cellent Science at Home experiment from the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences! I received these easy and super fun activities via email and couldn't find a link with the instructions. Therefore, I am posting them here and referencing the NCMNS, which is a wonderful and *free* place to expose your kids (and yourselves) to science…

Teach Electricity (to kids as young as 4) using Elenco Snap Circuits
…While the kids built increasingly complex circuits, including games they could play with one another, I spouted on about Ohm's law and the reasons their circuits were doing the things they were observing. You might think they weren't listening (I did), but when I asked them about Ohm's law during free time at the end of the day, each one of them told me how Voltage, Resistance, and Current are all related; and the two older ones actually remembered the equation…

Teaching Physics to First and Second Graders: Sound waves
This post is particularly applicable to teachers, parents, and caretakers of second-grade children, as the links below address science standards required for 2nd-grade (https://www.ixl.com/standards/north-carolina/science)…

Advanced Reader's Copy: *Eddie the Electron Moves Out*
I received my ARC (Advanced Reader's Copy) of Eddie The Electron Moves Out (the sequel to Eddie the Electron) today! I got tears in my eyes when I read it - seriously. I can’t get over the incredible quality of every aspect of the book. Harry Pulver's illustrations are PERFECT…

“Eddie Moves Out”, Picture-Book Sequel to “Eddie the Electron”
If you're looking for an educational stocking stuffer this Christmas, please consider buying the first in the Eddie series if you haven't already done so. Whether you do it via *Eddie the Electron* or another avenue, the earlier you introduce your kids to science, the better for their (and our) futures…

Your Village
In organizing children’s events this summer, I’ve talked to several science museum directors and staff, mostly about how to ensure that people actually attend the events. It’s not a matter of young people wanting to be there. It’s a matter of their parents getting them there. Turns out it’s one of the biggest challenges for education directors across the country…

The Danville Science Center - A Unique Experience for Kids of All Ages
I spent last Saturday bonding with young people, pre-school through high-school, via my hands-on children's book readings at the Danville Science Center (DSC). While driving to Virginia from my home in Durham, NC, I worried that my kids, who accompanied me, would get bored in one place all day and would consequently interfere with my program and my sanity. Boy, was I wrong!

From the Desk of Melissa Rooney (Amberjack Publishing)
… At a subsequent writing workshop, I was told by way of consolation that Dr. Seuss would have a hard time getting published today. His books are too wordy, for one thing. …

Welcome to my blog ...
... where you'll find articles pertaining to education and written for parents, caretakers, & teachers (traditional & home-school) regarding practical hands-on books, curricula, events, & opportunities. Other articles concern parenting, marriage, writing, & life in general, as well as local (Durham/Raleigh/Chapel-Hill), regional (Southeastern United States), and national issues and concerns.